Privacy- and cookies

't Nijvere Lezerke Publishers, established in 1989, meets with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) since it became valid as from the 25th May 2018. We are great believers in thorough protection and security of people, means, information and privacy. Our organization, systems and files are set to this goal as far as possible. Our website for instance is SSL certified in order to secure that your personal data do not end up in wrong hands. This website is hosted by an ISO 27001 certified supplier which keeps the site up-to-date as well. We will only process personal data of individuals, who contact us or purchase from us, if this serves a goal. For instance to enable us to contact them on finishing a transaction correctly. We will not store personal data any longer than it takes to do so and beyond that never longer than a year. We will only supply third parties with your personal data when you request it, to handle an order properly or because the law requires so.
't Nijvere Lezerke Publishers does not use Cookies nor Google Analytics. Our contacts will not receive any unwanted offers or surveys. Not by post, nor by email or telephone calls. Information on existing or future products will only be forwarded if asked for. Our products are available internationally through professional bookstores or shops - including their web shops - run by organizations specializing in the subject of railway history. If you find it hard to obtain any of our products, please contact us and we'll gladly help you. After a transaction we will delete your personal data unless you ask us specifically not to do so.